Plans To Destroy Turkey
...But why is this American contradiction politics against Turkey? What is Turkey’s fault to be served as such action? Is not Turkey a member in NATO since 1952, and has an American military base in "Incirlik"? Actually Turkey’s fault is still to be an empire country, so its area is approximately 800 thousand M2 and the population is nearly 70 million. Its social life consisted of various ethnics and many kinds of religion. There are a minority of Kurds reaches to 16 millions, minorities of Arabs about two millions, and sectarian minorities such as Alawis and Christian. In spite of the allies (as Britain and France) has punished the Ottomans after the Ottomans defeat in facing them in I. world war in 1918. They have had a vast land from Ottomans especially the western region, but Turkey remained a big country. In the framework of The Broader Middle East Project Turkey could be divided to several states on ethnicities and sectarian bases, at last get rid of Turks as they think that it is a super power in the region. USA is performing upon this project that aims to divide the big countries in Middle East to small states, and had started on applying with Iraq....
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Plans To Destroy Turkey
Mohammad Khalifa
Thursday, 01 November 2007
The foreign affairs in the American Congress have decided to legislate a law that agrees the so-called the Armenian massacre claimed that conducted by the Turks in 1915. The American Congress may confirm this law in mid-November. The Turkish Presidential spokesman announced that President Abdullah Gul has dispatched a letter to President G. Bush warned him about the damages that may occur in the measures of both countries relations in case the Congress has confirmed the project. However, the warn was not beneficial; because the Congress seems to continue on to confirm the decision as a part of its campaign to annoy Bush.
It seems that USA for the first time takes decisions that damage its policies and allied relations in the world, especially with Islamic world of which Turkey is considered a part of it. But the reality is that the American policy which planned by a secret government that never cares about the allied matters in any place of the world. The intention in this idea is the perception that USA is a super power, and is capable to effect in any country whatsoever is big or small, and every country must reluctant to face USA. Upon this concept Turkey must obey, the mentioned decision is considered an interfering in internal affairs.This law is the beginning of several laws. 72a251fa96284dbfb639c835a4b
But why is this American contradiction politics against Turkey? What is Turkey’s fault to be served as such action? Is not Turkey a member in NATO since 1952, and has an American military base in "Incirlik"? Actually Turkey’s fault is still to be an empire country, so its area is approximately 800 thousand M2 and the population is nearly 70 million. Its social life consisted of various ethnics and many kinds of religion. There are a minority of Kurds reaches to 16 millions, minorities of Arabs about two millions, and sectarian minorities such as Alawis and Christian. In spite of the allies (as Britain and France) has punished the Ottomans after the Ottomans defeat in facing them in I. world war in 1918. They have had a vast land from Ottomans especially the western region, but Turkey remained a big country. In the framework of The Broader Middle East Project Turkey could be divided to several states on ethnicities and sectarian bases, at last get rid of Turks as they think that it is a super power in the region.
USA is performing upon this project that aims to divide the big countries in Middle East to small states, and had started on applying with Iraq. However the Congress has issued a decision on 26.09.2007 on partition Iraq into three states: For Shiites in the South, for Sunnis in the middle of the country and third for Kurds in North of the country. The Shiites and Sunnis have rejected this decision, but the Kurds have considered the decision is as their victory because by this decision they have closed to their dream of independent country that could be announced in any time under the shadow of the Americans. If a Kurdish state occurred in North of Iraq, then they will require their little state be turned to the big Kurdistan state which forms the Kurds of Iraq. Turkey, Iran and Syria.
Perhaps the Kurdish issue could be seen easy to Iran and Syria for less Kurds population in their countries. But the matter in Turkey is different and the problem is too big. There are fifteen Kurdish provinces in Turkey. If the Iraqi independent Kurds want to include the Turkey Kurdistan to their state, then the destruction of Turkey will begin. The current Kurdish government of Iraq is supporting and assisting PKK in order to continue their aggression attacks against the Turkish national establishments setting out from the North of Iraq in case the liberation of Turkey’s Kurdistan. Turkey is inspecting these events and knows well enough that the Kurdish armed groups forms too dangerous action to the existence and settlement of Turkish. But it seems that Turkey is very aware to start war against the Kurdish in North of Iraq. Furthermore US encourages the Kurds to challenge and keep annoying Turkey.
Probably some will say that; where are those who defended the secular of European Kemalists and Unitarians in Turkey, what is their attitude towards their allied USA opposing Turkey? We don’t know whether these Kemalists from the west will remain on their condition.
This article is translated by AMSI Press Department. © 2007
Original Article in Arabic: 72a251fa96284dbfb639c835a4b
:: Article nr. 37759 sent on 01-nov-2007 21:22 ECT
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